News and media

IHC is the voice for intellectual disability in New Zealand. We regularly comment in the media on a range of topics to advocate and stand up for the rights of disabled people. We also share people’s stories through several publications, including our flagship magazine, Strong Voices.

We have a great resource for journalists with some tips on writing about disability and disabled people, including appropriate language to use.

If you have a media enquiry or want to tell your story, please email or call 027 807 7740.

Our commitment to respecting people with intellectual disabilities
April 11, 2019
IHC Group Chief Executive Ralph Jones says the exploitation of people with intellectual disabilities by the E tū union and a handful of their members in order to progress a cause is in no way a fair representation of the people we support.
Education law reform needed now to ensure quality public education for all students
Media release
April 4, 2019
IHC wholeheartedly agrees with the summary findings from the Independent Taskforce, who were charged with reviewing the education system, that far too many groups of students miss out.
'Leave no one behind' - Calling for inclusion on World Down Syndrome Day 2019
Media release
March 21, 2019
IHC is calling for New Zealanders to step up for everyone on World Down Syndrome Day 2019.
IDEA Services - working hard to ensure safe services during strike action
March 19, 2019
IDEA Services wishes to assure family members and people who use our services that contingencies will be put in place to ensure the safety of the people we support during proposed industrial action planned for 1 April 2019.
Te Matatini offers trip of a lifetime for Wairarapa kapa haka group
February 25, 2019
Their ultimate goal is to perform on the world’s biggest and most prestigious kapa haka stage. And for Wairarapa group Te Roopu Manaaki, they were one step closer by scoping out the national competition at this year’s renowned Te Matatini event in Wellington.
Fair pay for fair work welcomed
Media release
February 21, 2019
IHC is delighted that the Government is looking into replacing the Minimum Wage Exemption (MWE) with a wage supplement to ensure people with disabilities are paid at least the minimum wage.
Systemic effort needed to flip the script for people with intellectual disabilities in 2019
Media release
February 11, 2019
People with intellectual disabilities continue to be left behind going into 2019, begging the question – how long do they and their families and whānau have to wait for longstanding and serious issues to be resolved?
UN calls for more action on rights of children with disabilities
Media release
January 29, 2019
IHC is pleased that the latest United Nations review tracking New Zealand’s progress on human rights has called for more action on the rights of children with disabilities.
Time for a truly accessible New Zealand
Media release
January 28, 2019
IHC has welcomed the Government’s commitment to designing accessible public buildings for people with disabilities.
Promising signs for IHC Calf and Rural Scheme target
Media release
December 10, 2018
IHC is encouraged with the support received so far in this year’s Calf and Rural Scheme.