Strong Voices

Empowered lives

Fun times in a cool market

November 27, 2023

Gyro Plastics’ Feilding factory does some pretty serious plastics manufacturing for New Zealand’s power and electric vehicle industries.

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Scammers lie in wait

November 27, 2023

It was late on a Sunday night when the email arrived warning Hugh that he had a problem. He was too tired to notice all the obvious signs that a scammer had him in their sights.

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Kim adds her expertise to national palliative care group

November 27, 2023

Kim Fuller, Clinical Nurse Consultant with the IDEA Services National Clinical Team, has joined a group working to improve palliative care in New Zealand.

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Veronica reclaimed her last precious months of joy

November 27, 2023

Veronica Kennedy lit up every room she was in. She loved to party, sing and dance even though she was dealing with a range of serious health conditions.

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Renee took to the stage with mana

November 27, 2023

Renee Marriott, a 42-year-old woman often isolated from the community because of her disability, reduced her mother to tears when she took to the stage in Ngā Tāngata Manawa o te Tai-tonga Kapa Haka Festival in Christchurch.

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New central city gig for training café

November 27, 2023

Air New Zealand has offered a new café space at its Auckland head office to the operators of Flourish, a training café for people with intellectual disabilities.

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Monday stressbuster sessions are doing the trick

November 27, 2023

Every mother with a pre-teen or teenager needs a break. And it’s just as true for the kid, especially when mum is also their carer.

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Poor health of disabled people ignored

November 27, 2023

The health of people with intellectual disabilities is being neglected by health authorities.

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Neil Taylor stood shoulder to shoulder with Taranaki families

November 27, 2023

Former IHC Chair Neil Taylor died on 29 August ending his long commitment to this organisation and to the South Taranaki community he loved.

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Coffee parties come with a cool story and a great taste

November 27, 2023

Tupperware parties have disappeared from the scene in New Zealand, but a newcomer has arrived to be the next cool thing.

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