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Ray bikes the dream

In March Ray Urlich will set off from Newcastle, Australia, with two mates to ride across to Perth.
It’s the first leg of his motorbike ride around the world to raise money for IHC. It will take him nearly two years of riding through 35 to 38 countries in South-East Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, Eastern and Western Europe and the United Kingdom.
After two weeks Ray’s mates will leave him north-east of Adelaide and he will continue the journey alone for another five days across the Nullarbor Plain to Perth.
It’s been a dream for a long time for the 54-year-old, who bought his first motorbike – a Honda 250 – 30 years ago. For this epic ride, his choice is a Suzuki DR 650, which he has affectionately named Draga. That’s ‘Darling’ in Croatian. “I am hoping the bike will be a darling and get me there,” he says.
“I am half-Croatian. Through Europe I will be travelling on my Croatian passport.”
It’s a high-stakes journey for Ray. He has quit his 11-year job as Business Development Manager for Burger Fuel and rented out his Auckland house. “I am clearing out my life savings. It will be worth it.
“I live pretty frugally and I have saved up a fair amount and sponsorship has made up the balance.” Ray estimates the trip will cost $155,000. Sponsors have contributed $55,000 and Ray has put in $100,000. For each mile he rides, he plans to raise NZ$10 ‘a mile’ for IHC.
Three important people have influenced his decision to ride across the world. First of them is his uncle Peter Hill. “My uncle, when he was two years old, got cerebral meningitis. He was partially paralysed, non-verbal and hearing impaired.
My grandparents, along with IHC, took care of him his whole life.” After Peter’s parents died, he went to live in an IHC residence in Rotorua.
Then, in the ’90s, Peter read Investment Biker: On the Road with Jim Rogers, a book by the American investor about his global motorcycle journey. He was also inspired by Itchy Boots, a video blog by Dutch traveller Noraly Schoenmaker who rode solo over 130,000 kilometres through 49 countries.
Ray too will record his journey on a video camera. Supporters can track him on 2wheels2everywhere. Filming his journey has meant a change to his plans to stay in campsites because he needs a quiet room and a power supply to download and edit video footage for his blog.
He’s as ready as he can be for whatever he encounters on his journey. He is worried mainly about having the correct paperwork for crossing land borders, which are more reliant on pieces of paper than the electronic systems of airports. He doesn’t plan to ride at night or use big motorways. He’s also worried about riding in the Northern Hemisphere winter. “You don’t want to get caught in the snow in Iran and Iraq.”
And when it’s all over? Ray says there may be a book, or perhaps a documentary using his video footage.
Follow Ray around the world on 2wheels2everywhere and donate to IHC through his Givealittle page.
Caption: Ray Urlich’s Suzuki DR 650 ‘Draga’ will be crated up and taken across the Tasman for the start of the ride.
This story was published in Strong Voices. The magazine is posted free to all IHC members.
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