Strong Voices

Empowered lives


Old laws on decision-making headed for overhaul

December 1, 2021

The Law Commission is reviewing the legal powers people are given to make decisions for others, something disability advocates say is well overdue.

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We are warriors, we are resilient

December 1, 2021

Ask Carlos Biggemann what needs to change in the world, and he starts with global issues – war, poverty and the destruction of the rainforests – before coming to his disability.

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Banks continue their disappearing act

July 20, 2021

Banks have put even more distance between them and their more vulnerable customers by ending cheques.

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End of cheques leaves disabled people worried

May 4, 2021

As New Zealand’s major banks phase out the use of cheques, IHC and other disability service providers are asking banks how they will maintain access to banking services by disabled people.

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Early access to KiwiSaver

May 4, 2021

KiwiSaver rules now guarantee that people with four life-shortening congenital conditions can withdraw their savings early.

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A new way of banking

May 4, 2021

The New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) says money laundering legislation and the phasing out of cheques by banks require new approaches and practices from everyone involved.

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Free bus fares coming for Bay of Plenty

May 4, 2021

Bus fares will be free for disabled people in the Bay of Plenty by July.

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Free ‘plus-one’ bus travel

March 9, 2021

Free bus travel for carers of people with accessibility concession cards is now available in the Waikato region.

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Wellington Airport smooths the way

March 9, 2021

People with hidden disabilities such as autism, dementia and ADHD can now travel a little easier after Wellington Airport launched a new initiative to discreetly let staff know when a person might need extra help. Anyone travelling through the airport can now request a special green lanyard, which will help staff identify people who might need extra care.

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Schools to trial employment service

March 9, 2021

School leavers looking for work will have extra help this year thanks to a new scheme being trialled in a number of secondary schools.

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