Strong Voices

Empowered lives


John Holdsworth’s influence improved quality of lives

November 30, 2020

John Holdsworth ONZM didn’t say much about what he did for people, he just did it. His influence vastly improved the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities.

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Community centres get the green light

November 30, 2020

IHC will soon be introducing community centres in towns and cities around New Zealand.

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David Corner signs off

November 30, 2020

David Corner has signed off from his job as a representative for international disability organisation Inclusion International after 12 years of being a voice for the Asia-Pacific region.

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Trail runners turn kilometres into cash

November 30, 2020

The Rocky Road Runners don’t mind rain and mud – and every kilometre logged is a few more dollars for IHC.

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IHC gives evidence of abuse and neglect

November 30, 2020

A six-year-old boy who couldn’t spell cat and didn’t know his last name was sent to an institution where for 13 years he was put to work and physically and sexually abused.

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