Strong Voices

Empowered lives

IDEA Services

Residents settle into a new type of studio living

May 29, 2024

A large old house in Christchurch has been redeveloped into a new style of studio living for a group of IDEA Services residents.

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Brodie's at the beach

May 29, 2024

Brodie's at his beach; Norman is looking after the hens; and Kelvin is working on a project. It's a good life for these three

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"I am going to marry that girl one day"

May 29, 2024

Roy and Val Schroder were childhood sweethearts. They met when they travelled together by taxi to Bronte School in Nelson.

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Hundreds of volunteers sign up to serve communities

May 29, 2024

More than 370 volunteers from 26 IDEA Services areas are now signed up to serve their communities as part of the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) Service Award.

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Housemates are now neighbours

May 29, 2024

Lynne Stringer and Sharon Anderson live two doors away from each other in Gore and they like it that way.

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It looks like another Friday feast

May 29, 2024

It's a Friday feast every week at the Kai Kitchen for locals looking to share food and company.

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Whaikaha releases complaints review

November 28, 2023

On 27 October, the day of the IHC Annual General Meeting, Whaikaha released the findings of its review of complaints policies at IDEA Services.

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Matthew ended his year on a high

November 28, 2023

Matthew Caldwell has been having his best time at work lately.

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Learn stuff and go places with IHC and Te Kura

November 28, 2023

The latest from IHC Media is a free learning package offered in partnership with Te Kura, the former Correspondence School.

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Veronica reclaimed her last precious months of joy

November 27, 2023

Veronica Kennedy lit up every room she was in. She loved to party, sing and dance even though she was dealing with a range of serious health conditions.

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