News and media

Media releases

Despite stark warnings, intellectually disabled Kiwis neglected by Government for another 20 years
Media release
December 18, 2023
New Zealanders have long life expectancies, but new research from IHC shows that intellectually disabled New Zealanders die up to 20 years earlier than the rest of the population.
Make it fair for ALL!
Media release
September 15, 2023
Get on with it and make education fair for ALL
2023 IDEA Services regional kapa haka festivals
Media release
August 23, 2023
IDEA Services is excited to be hosting four upcoming regional kapa haka festivals.
Manaia is the IHC Art Awards People's Choice 
Media release
August 17, 2023
Paraparaumu artist Manaia Matakatea (Muaūpoko,Ngāti Raukawa - Ngāti Huia) has won the 2023 IHC Art Awards L’affare People’s Choice Award.
IHC 'Capture the Moment' Photo competition winners announced
Media release
August 14, 2023
Cameron Henson wins first prize in IHC photography competition.
20th IHC Art Awards Winners Announced
Media release
July 25, 2023
Max Hinds-Brown (above left) from Kāpiti Coast has won the annual IHC Art Awards and a $5,000 prize.
Top judges for the 2023 IHC Art Awards
Media release
April 21, 2023
Judges Tim Walker, Mark Hutchins-Pond and Elizabeth Caldwell, bring enormous experience and understanding of art in Aotearoa New Zealand to this year’s IHC Art Awards.
Teacher investment is a start, what next?
Media release
April 19, 2023
IHC says more action is needed to adequately resource schools despite welcoming the Government’s announcement to reduce class sizes.
IHC launches app to help young people manage money
Media release
December 6, 2022
Stand Tall, a new app to help people with intellectual disabilities learn how to manage money and live independently, is being launched on Thursday 8 December.
IHC welcomes announcement of new plan for disabled learners
Media release
November 17, 2022
IHC is encouraged by the government’s announcement today that it will develop a new funding and support system for disabled learners.