Strong Voices

Empowered lives

Vaccinations mandatory for most staff

December 1, 2021

Across the IHC Group, it’s extremely important for us to protect our colleagues and the people we support from COVID-19.

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Changes to carer support

December 1, 2021

The Ministry of Health has announced changes to disability-funded carer support. Carer support claims are going online in early 2022.

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Companion Card trial

December 1, 2021

A trial Companion Card programme is enabling people with disabilities to take part more easily in activities in Palmerston North.

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Four coffee-cart guys give it their best shot

November 30, 2020

Four young guys in a coffee cart are brewing their best coffee and learning what it takes to make a living.

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Community centres get the green light

November 30, 2020

IHC will soon be introducing community centres in towns and cities around New Zealand.

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IHC has lost a friend

November 30, 2020

People with intellectual disabilities have lost a strong advocate and a true friend with the death of Charlie Waigth in Auckland.

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Nick might be too honest to get a job

November 30, 2020

These days Nick Dow steers clear of recruiters. Their ‘tick-box’ approach defeats his attempts to get a job.

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Beating a path to the podium

November 30, 2020

The past year will be remembered by most of us for COVID-19 and lockdowns. But that’s not the case for a group of extraordinary people who are beating a path to the winners’ podium this year.

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Kapa Haka Fest goes online

November 30, 2020

We are going virtual for this year’s Te Anga Pāua o Aotearoa Kapa Haka Festival.

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Artists colour their world despite COVID

November 30, 2020

It was like an early Christmas. One after the other couriers arrived at IHC’s national office in Wellington bearing packages of all shapes and sizes. These were works that had made it through the judges’ first selection for the IHC Art Awards 2020.

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