Member Council

Members voted at the Society’s Annual General Meeting in September 2015 to establish a Member Council. The Council has broad mandate to engage with members, families and people with intellectual disabilities. Its Terms of Reference include acting as a conduit of information between members and the IHC Board and promoting and supporting the work of IHC Associations.

The Council can have up to 12 members appointed by the IHC Board. The Chair of the Member Council is also a member of the IHC Board.

Council Members work closely with IHC Associations and attend Association Committee meetings or Annual General Meetings, to share stories and to bring matters to the attention of the full Council.

Current members

Lynne Renouf

Lynne Renouf

IHC Member Council Chair, IHC Board Member, Committee Member Mana / Kapiti Association and IHC Life Member

Lynne has been an active member of the Mana Association for many years and is an IHC Life Member. Lynne's son Duncan, born with Down Syndrome, passed away in 2017. She is a Welfare Guardian and Property Administrator for two people with intellectual disabilities and holds Enduring Power of Attorney for another woman undergoing medical treatment.  

Lynne has been involved in many of IHC's Advocacy and rights-based campaigns, advocating for both the individual and the systemic changes we need to make in community. Lynne's motto is: "think globally; act locally; respond personally" and spend time doing this with like-minded people.

Alex Flutey-Rowe

Alex Flutey-Rowe

Member, Wellington

Alex has an intellectual disability and has recently joined the IHC Member Council. Alex sees his role on the Member Council as being an Advocate for people with intellectual disabilities.

Alex currently study at Weltec and was part of the Weltec Student Council advocating for people with intellectual disabilities.

In his spare time, Alex likes to hang out with his friends and family and has a brother with an intellectual disability.

Cassy Williams

Cassy Williams

Committee Member Tauranga Association

Cassy is based in Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, and is a full-time mum to three children, including her daughter who has Down Syndrome.

Cassy has travelled extensively, exploring most corners of the globe. Upon returning to New Zealand, she owned and operated an espresso bar in Mount Maunganui. With a Bachelor of Education, Cassy has worked as a Registered Teacher and Regional Manager in Education.

Cassy brings a fresh perspective to the Members Council, enriched by her lived experience as a parent to young children. She is passionate about enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and is committed to driving positive change in the community.

Colleen Figgins

Colleen Figgins

Member, Auckland

Colleen came from the United Kingdom in 1998 and has three children, the youngest still in primary school.

Her background is in education and has spent most of her career in special education either providing support in the mainstream or, more recently, in Sommerville, the largest specialist school in New Zealand. Having a family member who had additional needs has always influenced Colleen's way of being and advocating for those who do not fit the normal school systems or resources. Working with young people and their families keeps her grounded in the real issues families are facing today.

Colleen has become more actively involved with IHC since developing an Ako-type relationship with the IHC Cornwall - South East Auckland Association, which has led to collaboration between their young adults and a group of IDEA Services clients who perform in the Ngā Taonga Kapa Haka group.

She is looking forward to having the opportunity of working on the Member Council.

Denise Mackres

Denise Mackres

Committee Member North Harbour Association

From an adult education background, Denise has been involved in a number of initiatives in advancing skills within the Health and Disability sector.

Denise is an active member of the North Harbour Association and supports the management of the IHC Opportunity shop in Birkenhead, Auckland.

As a parent with an adult daughter with intellectual disability, Denise is committed to the ideals of IHC supporting those we care about and is looking forward to having the opportunity of playing an active part in the promotion of better communication between IHC membership and the organisation.

Emma Edmondston

Emma Edmondston

Member, Christchurch

Emma is the co-owner and operator of a plumbing company in Christchurch, which she runs with her husband. For the past five years, Emma has been a dedicated volunteer with the IHC Volunteering programme, driven by her passion for advocating for those in need.

Emma is passionate about building stronger connections between IHC members and the organisation and she is eager to contribute to help improve communication and support systems that benefit everyone.

In her spare time, Emma enjoys gold hunting, cold plunging in various bodies of water around New Zealand and spending time with family and friends.

Running a business alongside her volunteer work has given Emma a unique perspective on the importance of community and advocacy.

John Rossbotham

John Rossbotham

Member, Wellington

John’s involvement with IHC spans 45 years. He has a son, Matthew, who resides in Wellington with IDEA Services support. John is an enthusiastic advocate for vulnerable people as evidenced by his work on both the Hamilton and Wellington IHC Associations (previously known as Branch Committees) and more than 30 years assisting people in various ways as a member of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Hamilton, Wellington and currently in the Hutt Valley.

John served as Treasurer of the Wellington Association for eight years and led the development of client services for the St Vincent de Paul Society in Wellington over a period of 16 years. Those services included a Special Works Programme for people with an intellectual disability that was developed in liaison with IHC and IDEA Services personnel.

He views his position on the Member Council as an opportunity to assist in development of member/Association/Board communication and interaction for the benefit of IHC clients and families.

Keith Rea

Keith Rea

Committee Member Waikato South Association

Keith is a Retired Accountant after working for the same firm for 52 years.

He has been involved with the Matamata Area and Waikato South Association for over 45 years. During this time Keith has been an Association Chair and is currently the Waikato South Association Treasurer.

Keith feels privileged to be part of this organisation and want to make sure that people with intellectual disabilities will be looked after so they can lead satisfying lives in the community.

Keith has an interest in becoming part of the Member Council to have communication between the Association, members and the Board.

Vicki Owen

Vicki Owen

Committee Member Wellington Association and IDEA Services Board Member

Vicki has two children and her daughter Emma has Apert Syndrome, which includes both intellectual and physical disabilities. Vicki is a barrister and solicitor specialising in public law and has worked for a number of government departments.

Vicki has been an active member of the Wellington Association Committee for a number of years, including a recent five-year term as Chair. She has been on the Member Council since December 2019 and is keen to continue to strengthen relationships between the Member Council, IHC Board, IHC Associations, IHC members and their families/whānau, and people with an intellectual disability.

Eric Robertson

Eric Robertson

Association Chair Otago Association

Eric is an Information Technology and Business Manager currently working within GP Primary Care and specialist GP software system development. Past experience includes international roles in the financial markets, law and tertiary education. When not in the office, Eric runs a small farm on the Otago Peninsula.

As a parent supporting a young man with intellectual disability, Eric has worked as a Volunteer with the Special Olympics, community projects through Lions and a variety of agencies, clubs and service providers in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Eric sees his role within the Member Council as an opportunity to support IHC to take an even stronger advocacy role at government level and on the ground for individuals. Areas of interest include the support of post-school individuals to meet needs for housing, social interaction and worthwhile supported employment options. Through the Member Council, Eric intends to focus on finding the best ways of providing IHC members and clients with support and guidance to help them navigate through government bureaucracy to ensure that they all receive the best possible funding and support from not only IHC, but other agencies.

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