
Submission on Budget Policy Statement 2019
January 30, 2019
IHC supports the Government’s move to use a wellbeing approach in the Budget process, but says greater consideration needs to be given to how it applies to people with intellectual disabilities.
Submission on the initial Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy
December 5, 2018
IHC strongly supports development of the strategy, stating it's the best opportunity New Zealand has to embed and give effect to children's rights in legislation, policy and practice development and implementation, and to create the conditions that allow every child to have their best childhood.
Submission to the Welfare Expert Advisory Group 2018
November 9, 2018
IHC recommends care is taken with how welfare reform proposals are framed to ensure the welfare system, and the social contract on which it is based, is inclusive.
Submission to the Independent Panel considering the 2014 changes to the family justice system
November 9, 2018
IHC says for people with intellectual disabilities to be active participants in legal issues and processes, they require legal information to be communicated in a way they can understand.
Feedback on NZ Government Draft Report to UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
November 9, 2018
IHC is extremely disappointed to see the work on improving health outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities is being 're-scoped in line with the new government's priorities and manifesto commitments'.
Submission on the Draft Disability and Learning Support Action Plan
October 31, 2018
IHC says the Plan must result in students with intellectual disability having discrimination-free access to, and outcomes from, education at their local school.
Comment on Health Homes Standards
October 17, 2018
IHC asks that the rights, needs and circumstances of people with intellectual disability and their families, across the lifespan, be actively considered in the development of Healthy Homes Standards.
Comment on Reform of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986
October 17, 2018
IHC says any legal reform should build in supports and safeguards that protect people with intellectual disability from being taken advantage of in the rental market, while at the same time ensuring they have choice and control over their living and inclusion in the community.
Comment on Draft National Ethical Standards for Health and Disability Research
October 10, 2018
IHC says incorporating supported decision making and supported consent, as has been done in the Draft Standards, is a positive step in both aligning with New Zealand's obligations under the UNCRPD and giving practical ways to support and safeguard people's rights, consent and participation in research.
Submission on proposed changes to National Health Index (NHI) system and HISO, the Consumer Health Identity Standard
August 24, 2018
IHC strongly supports high priority being given to including disability status in the NHI system, but recommends that several changes need to be made to the proposed means of data collection.